I'm JackCD, a Canadian nerd who enjoys all sorts of music, movies, and other mediums.
I created this page as a project for myself but also as a way to share my various works in one collective space.
This and art are a great outlet for me.
Expect this place to always be under construction and everchanging.

My Socials!
I'm always talking about art and media.



YouTube (not actively posting)


My Resources:
Here's a list of everything I used while making this site (with links!)
  • https://www.w3schools.com/html
    w3schools is an invaluable reference for knowing what each tag and such means

  • I used their site to help design and troubleshoot my own. Go check it out, it's so cool and weird! They also made the jukebox in the Music Corner
  • gifcities.org
    A great site to find those old internet gifs (or jifs if you're crazy)

  • They made the comment box! Also their site has such a cool aesthetic
  • https://www.last.fm/l
    This is where I get the album covers for my music recommendation page.